Vasectomy South
Vasectomy South

The technique used does not involve either scalpel or stitches.
Dr Hamilton offers, for the first time in Christchurch, no-needle, no-scalpel vasectomies, where suitable.
Dr Hamilton personally provides a full pre-operative consultation and examination.
All post-operative care is provided free of charge.
The cost is $140 for the initial consultation and $500 for the operation.
Thursday: 9am – 4.30pm
Friday: 8:30am – 4.30pm
An appointment is arranged with the Doctor for an initial consultation, The man’s partner is welcome to attend.
The Doctor examines the man to make sure he is a suitable candidate. Occasionally a man who has had operations for a hernia or torsion of testicle is unsuitable for ‘no scalpel’ technique.
The operation is explained and any questions answered. Sperm storage can be arranged as “insurance” if required at least one week before the vasectomy.
Patients may self refer, but it is preferable to discuss the operation with your GP who will arrange the initial referral.
The operation works by interrupting the vas on each side (the vas is the tube through which sperm passes).
The operation is performed using local anaesthetic. An injection is made into the scrotum – but this is much less painful than the injection that the dentist puts in the mouth!
A single tiny puncture is then made through the scrotum and a loop of vas is lifted out through this puncture, divided and sealed. The ends are then returned to the scrotum through the puncture hole and the other vas is brought out through the same puncture hole and an identical procedure is performed.
At the end of the operation the puncture hole self-seals without stitches.
The operation takes about 20 minutes. His partner is welcome to be present. He can drive afterwards, but needs to avoid vigorous physical activity for 2 days. If his work is physically demanding he will need to take 2 days off.
Body parts/tissue are managed in a safe and culturally sensitive manner.
All fees include GST. Payment is made on the day the service is provided. Unless by prior arrangement with the Practice Manager.
The fee for a vasectomy if $640.00 or $655.00 if paying by credit card.
Of this, $140.00 is paid at the time of the initial consultation. Then the balance is paid at the time of the surgery.
If the operation is not subsequently performed the $140.00 is forfeited.
When the initial consultation and operation occur on the same day the fee is $640.00 cash or $655.00 credit card.
Payment may be made by cash, cheque or credit card.